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REBORN - Authors' Interview & GIVEAWAY!

Blog Tour ~ Reborn

Author: Jane Ederlyn

Genre: Paranormal/Romance

Tour Dates: 27th-31st of March

Hosted by: Ultimate Fantasy Book Tours


Marie Josette d’Orgemont, cousin to Louis XVI, watched in horror as a rogue creature took her husband’s life before turning on her. A powerful vampire swept in and spared her life, but she never suspected surviving meant immortality or the price she’d have to pay to protect her surviving son.

Centuries later, in Miami, with her family on the verge of extinction, Marie is preoccupied with the continuation of her human bloodline. When she meets sexy and persistent Odin Ulfsson, his icy-blue gaze and burning touch are hard to resist. Will a forbidden romance with the Nordic werewolf be the key to her happiness, or will it set in motion a wrath that endangers not only her last human heir but her entire existence?


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Authors Bio:

Jane Ederlyn is the alter ego of a writing duo from South Florida.

Jane, a registered nurse by day, by night lives to create havoc and conflict in their stories, relentlessly strategizing ways to kill off one more character.

Ederlyn, a cruise-line professional by day, by night loves to plot meticulous happily-ever-afters for the hero and heroine, often battling Jane to save her favorites.

They can usually be found at their favorite Barnes & Noble sipping lattes and pondering “what ifs?” or at the mall shoe shopping.

Visit them at:


Authors' Interview

Okay readers, please welcome the authors of REBORN, Jane and Ederlyn. We are so happy to have you both here. Let's get started:

Are you a full time author or do you have another job as well and if so how do either or these fit in with writing time?

Jane: We both have day jobs that demand a big chunk of our time and concentration. We’re always talking about our stories and characters but getting actual butt in chair and hands on keyboard time can be a balancing act.

Ederlyn: We try to get words on the page on weekday nights, but most of our progress is made on the weekends.

Do you write on your novel daily or do you try to have days off?

Jane: We are immersed in the story every day. We volley ‘what if’ scenarios back and forth, visualize, research, conceptualize dialogue, and gush over our hero. But the weekends are sacred for writing.

Ederlyn: It’s definitely easier to write when you do it every day. But realistically with our jobs, it isn’t always possible. However, we’ve spent so much time talking and preparing beforehand, when we do sit down in front of a blank page, we make progress. And yes…we do take vacation days to write or edit, especially if we have a deadline.

If you have a ‘baddy’ in your book, can you tell us a little about this character?

Jane: We have several baddies but the most dangerous to our heroine is her maker, Anton. When Marie first encounters him, she thinks he’s an angel who has come to save her life. But he is far from heavenly.

Ederlyn: He is beautiful, ancient, eccentric, and a monster. He has long lost his humanity and she struggles with him for the entire series.

Is there any romance in your story and if so can you tell us a little about this?

Jane: Oh Yes! Marie has dedicated herself to nurturing her human family and protecting them against the dangers of supernaturals. Then she meets Odin, a sexy Nordic werewolf, and she decides to steal a moment of happiness for herself.

Ederlyn: There’s also some delicious sizzle between Abby and Egon, another werewolf.

Do you ever write sad scenes and do you feel the sadness as you write it?

Jane: Do we ever!?! There is an element of sadness and sacrifice throughout the story and when you’re so connected with your characters, it’s hard not to feel their emotions.

Ederlyn: Especially in the black moment. You have to be in that frame of mind, vested and feeling the sadness, anger, or whatever emotion the character is experiencing. And yes we cry too.

Is the world in your book like earth or is it a fantasy world?

Jane: We write about present day South Florida. But we’ve added the existence of vampires and werewolves. They live among humans undetected. What if?

Ederlyn: It’s fun writing about where we live. If we’re stuck on a scene or need to scout for a new location, we just hop in the car and take a drive.

What is the time period setting of your latest book?

Jane: Present day sunny Florida. But we do flashbacks to 18th century France and 19th century England.

Do you prefer to write as a series or one off books?

Ederlyn: As readers…we prefer a series. When you fall in love with characters, one book is never enough. As writers…the same. We’re not ready to leave this world or these characters yet.

Jane, Ederlyn, I want to thank you both for joining us here on my blog. My readers and I appreciate your time.

Thank you for having us!




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