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DONNA ALWARD - An Interview

Welcome all.

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Donna Alward author of SOMEBODY LIKE YOU, and the upcoming SOMEONE TO LOVE.

Hi Donna, thank you for agreeing to this interview.

Which writers inspire you?

I get inspiration in tons of places. I’m inspired by the lovely, complicated love stories by LaVyrle Spencer. I enjoy the gentle historical nuance of Jennifer Robson, the rich regencies of Mary Balogh and Suzanne Enoch, the southern charm of Karen White. I’m also inspired by work ethic and how authors treat their readers. I have a lot of admiration for authors who also hold down day jobs and have kids – like my pal Robin Covington, who is just one of the loveliest, hardest-working people I know. And Nora Roberts, for sheer work ethic and always being so welcoming to her fans and other authors. I’ve also been reading a lot of non-fiction and find myself really energized by books by Mark Manson, Liz Gilbert, Anne Lamott.

Which actor/actress would you like to see playing the lead character from your most recent book?

Oooh, good question! Who could play Laurel? Ashley Greene. Particularly with her hair this length! There’s something very natural about her. And as far as the hero… because aren’t we all about the hero worship? He’d have to be a ginger. Michael Fassbender could maybe pull it off, but he’s a bit too old to play someone 28. Maybe he could be Ethan, who is 32 (and in Someone To Love in March). Stefano Masciolini has the right look…only he’d need to trim those luscious red locks a tad.

How much research do you do?

I write contemporaries, so my research tends to be mostly a) geography and b) vocation related. Laurel owns a garden center, and my daughter worked at a local garden center for a summer and I love gardening, so… that was a bit easier. In my next book, Willow does a lot of yoga and meditation. I did some hands-on research for that and it made my life so much better – win win! To create the town of Darling, I came up with a town I’d like, and then looked up similar locations in Vermont. Places like Woodstock, Mountpelier, local inns, parks, etc. Quite often I don’t know what I don’t know, lol, so I’ll pause if I’m missing information and do a google or ask someone I know who is familiar with the area or topic.

What are your MUST HAVE must-haves when writing? (magic socks, lucky underpants, triple-caff caramel macchiatos, etc.)

Number one: QUIET. I’m easily overstimulated by noises, so I love it when my house empties out and I’m alone. I either work at my desktop or on an ancient netbook with a corner missing at the kitchen table (which is my strategy when I’m really under the gun and have to really stay off the internet). I need my desk mostly tidy, and perhaps a cup of coffee at hand, but that’s negotiable. I also must have warm feet. I can’t do anything if my hands and feet are cold!

I want to genuinely thank you for your time. I know that my readers (and I as well!) were really looking forward to this time with you. Good luck with SOMEBODY LIKE YOU! I'm especially looking forward to the release of SOMEONE TO LOVE on March 7, 2017.

You can contact Donna here:



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Facebook- @DonnaAlwardAuthor

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