Get the Scoop!
Welcome to Sour Puss Reviews. I’m thrilled you’re here—because I have so much I want to share with you. I’m here to make a life out of what I love, and what I love is reading, writing, planning, and blogging. I am passionate about Sour Puss Reviews, and I truly believe that passion is relayed back to my readers through the innovative and exciting content that I post. Explore my site, and all that I have to offer; perhaps Sour Puss Reviews will ignite your own passions too.

Our first family photo, 2005

This is MoMo, the most recent addition to our family. She came from the home of a very good friend of mine, who, sadly, couldn't keep her.

What I would look like as a cat

Our first family photo, 2005

I am an animal lover and mamma to a pair of positively possessive pooches, two fantastically fussy felines, and two terrifically tweety parakeets. I have been writing fiction and poetry since I learned to read when I was three. My passion for words has shaped my life and I now add blogging and writing fiction to my daily activities. My goals for 2017 include regularly reviewing books on my blog, beginning a tea blog, showing more of a presence on social media, and sharing my love/obsession for planning. I also enjoy cooking and photography. I am a proud Slurpee connoisseure.

Since 1975
I have been in love with learning as far back as I can remember. (Which explains the nine years I spent at university) The desire to shop for pretty pens and pencils comes straight from my soul. Back to school has always been my favourite time of the year. Now, due in large part to social media, I share my love of stationery with others around the world who celebrate the tools of learning and organisation.
Since 2013
I am very proud to be a professional reader and reviewer with NetGALLEY. an online service that provides free galleys of new books to professional readers and librarians all over the world. They are affiliated with a plethora of publishers and all book genres. I can't wait to share my favourites with you, and provide readers with totally unbiased reviews. I also take review requests from publishers and independents.

Since 1975
I am a simple woman. I live a simple life, filled with the things that I love: my furry peeps, glorious foods, reading, and tea. While I will never be a tea sommelier, I enjoy learning about and trying new and different teas every day. I am subscribed to a tea service, where I am introduced to 4 new teas every month. I would like nothing more than to share them with you.
The Roots
For years, I have served as a useful source to those seeking inspiration, help, or advice. In 2000, I finally decided to own that role and be intentional about it. I started writing about my passions, my thoughts, and curious wonderings about our society. I founded SourPuss Reviews with a mission to give others a taste of what goes on in my mind.
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